Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Starry Skies, City Lights

Time for a fun quick painting! The first step is putting paint on paper and for this step I chose some blues and a shot of green. This will be the under painting so I do not have a subject in mind yet for this painting. I throw some kosher salt on the wet paint and let it do its thing. This is what it looks like when it is dry:


As I look at this later, I decide this could be a sky (with alto cumulus clouds) or maybe stars? I turn it upside down and add some raw sienna to a few spots to give some variation  to the sky color and then add some hills on the bottom left. The raw sienna on the bottom part of the sky gives it a nice glow. I darken the top a bit. Here is the finished painting:

The more I look at it the more it reminds me of a starry night with the glow of city lights in the distance.
Sometimes I will do several under paintings at once and keep these for working on later. It is always fun to see what you can come up with. Happy painting!

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